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Gain Vivien

Collaborateur scientifique






Université libre de Bruxelles

Scientific collaborator within the datawarehouse Marché du travail et Protection Sociale (Arbeidsmarkt en Sociale Bescherming), managed by the Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale (Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid)


Invited Lecturer in the Master's in Education (FOPA)
Course: Seminar on Case Study Methodology
Supervision of Master's theses


 - oct. 2021


Since October 2017, I am conducting a Ph.D. thesis within the GIRSEF, a renowned interdisciplinary research group in Socialisation, Education, and Training. The objective of my thesis is to analyse the participation of stakeholder organisations within the European Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in the sector of education, called the Education and Training 2020 strategic framework.

This thesis is part of a larger research project - called "Living together in an uncertain world. What role for the school?" - including 8 senior academics and 4 Ph.D. students. The objective of the project is to understand the transformations of the roles of education in a context of globalization, risk, and uncertainty.

In order to conduct my research, I use a combination of methods:
- Data mining and lexicometric/statistical analysis of documents produced by the Education and Training 2020 working groups.
- Interviews with key actors of the ET2020 working groups (Commission members, Member State representatives, stakeholder organisation representatives).
- Observation of Working Groups plenary meetings and peer-learning activities.


European Commission


Brussels Area, Belgium

Contributing Author in the Flagship Report Enlightenment 2.0, coordinated by the Joint Research Centre.

The report highlights "the need for evidence-informed policy-making as a precondition for well-functioning democracies" and "how our thinking is challenged by today's information environment, which also makes us vulnerable to being misled by disinformation".


Présentation des enseignements


Présentation des recherches 

PONS : Projet pour l’Opérationnalisation et le développement de Nouvelles Statistiques dans le DWH MT&P (2014- ).
Promoteur : Pierre Desmarez
Commanditaire : Service public fédéral de programmation. Politique scientifique (BELSPO)

EXIT :  Le projet européen EXIT, réunissant 11 partenaires de disciplines variées (économistes, sociologues, juriste, anthropologues), entend offrir une analyse approfondie du concept  de "left behind" utilisé pour caractériser les inégalités territoriales auxquelles sont confrontées certaines zones territoriales, d’une part, et identifier les stratégies pour remédier à ces inégalités, d’autre part.
Promotrice : Aline Bingen
Commanditaire : Commission européenne.


Travaux sélectionnés

"La gouvernance européenne de l'éducation. Analyse systémique de la Méthode ouverte de coordination, novembre 2022, PUL (Presses Universitaires de Louvain), Louvain-la-Neuve, 334 pages.


Domaines d'intérêt

Social systems theory, complexity theory
  • Globalization and expansion of education processes
  • Governance Turn
  • Transformations of European policy-making
  • Stakeholder participation — social movements, trade unions, etc. — in European political processes
  • Lexicometric analysis


Informations secrétariat

Secrétariat Metices : +32(0)2 650 31 83

Mail : Metices@ulb.be
Mis à jour le 15 février 2024